Here's a new way to incorporate South Indian flavors. Try and get fresh wild king or Copper River salmon while they are in season. Fresh sockeye would...
Chicken Makhani is a dish I always loved before becoming vegan. It is my absolute favorite Indian dish, so I knew I had to try to make it so I could curb...
Chicken breast meat is rubbed with an intoxicating paste made with cilantro, mint, and other distinctive flavors. Chicken legs may also be used, or a combination...
I came up with this tasty swai recipe when I was craving something vaguely Indian, but also wanted to keep it simple and light and use the ingredients...
Diced potatoes are cooked in a creamy peanut and sesame seed sauce to create a rich and spicy dish. It takes a lot of ingredients and some effort but is...
This is a variation on the traditional crispy rice cereal treat with an international twist! Cashews, golden raisins and cardamom are thrown into the mix...
This recipe resembles a dish from an Indian restaurant in my town. I love it. It's got a great unique flavor to it; garam masala is the spice used. Creamy...
Tantalizing goat curry in a fraction of the time. Using an electric pressure cooker cuts down on the cooking time while still rendering tender meat. Serve...
While it's true a perfectly made, expertly fried, and quickly served samosa is superior to this version, that can be a very rare combination of events....
A quick, light couscous stir-fry with Indian flavors. Great for vegetarians, but easily adapted into a chicken dish. Feel free to substitute veggies any...
Inspired by the flavors of India, these chicken thigh skewers take only 15 minutes in the oven, plus a couple of minutes under the broiler. Serve warm...
Diced potatoes are cooked in a creamy peanut and sesame seed sauce to create a rich and spicy dish. It takes a lot of ingredients and some effort but is...
This variation of mixed dal was developed over a series of happy accidents and has become a household favorite. This version has more ginger and a smoother...
A delicious variation on the usual tomato sauce. Italy meets India. Use a good quality curry powder. I find that 1 tablespoon of regular curry and 1 tablespoon...
A delicious variation on the usual tomato sauce. Italy meets India. Use a good quality curry powder. I find that 1 tablespoon of regular curry and 1 tablespoon...
This sweet and spicy dish is sure to bring variety to the dinner table with an Eastern flair! If you don't like the taste of tofu, chicken or shrimp are...
A traditional, mild North Indian recipe. This is an unforgettable dish when served on a bed of pilau (cinnamon-spiced) rice or basmati rice with some Peshwari...
This variation of mixed dal was developed over a series of happy accidents and has become a household favorite. This version has more ginger and a smoother...
This sweet and spicy dish is sure to bring variety to the dinner table with an Eastern flair! If you don't like the taste of tofu, chicken or shrimp are...
This pie is made from leftover roasted leg or shoulder of lamb. In fact, I specifically roast the lamb to make this dish. I think there is no better way...
This pie is made from leftover roasted leg or shoulder of lamb. In fact, I specifically roast the lamb to make this dish. I think there is no better way...
A traditional, mild North Indian recipe. This is an unforgettable dish when served on a bed of pilau (cinnamon-spiced) rice or basmati rice with some Peshwari...
This popular steamed sweet from Kerala, India is perfect with tea or chai and is an afterschool snack favorite of kids! My grandmother always teased me...
Here's a delightful dish I adapted from a non-vegetarian recipe. It's extremely easy to prepare in the crock pot. Deliciously creamy, it can be served...
I love making lamb meatballs; the combination of mint and lamb make for a very exciting flavor profile. These meatballs are combined with a hearty prepared...
This is an absolutely delicious and refreshing Indian yogurt drink. It is so tasty that it is almost like a dessert. Your family and friends will love...
This is an absolutely delicious and refreshing Indian yogurt drink. It is so tasty that it is almost like a dessert. Your family and friends will love...
Here's a delightful dish I adapted from a non-vegetarian recipe. It's extremely easy to prepare in the crock pot. Deliciously creamy, it can be served...
Malpua is an Indian pancake-like dessert fried in oodles of ghee and sugar syrup. The traditional sweet has been a festive staple since eons. For the longest...
My mother-in-law is Indian and let me in on a secret: The vegetable balls from IKEA® make for a great and ridiculously easy vegetarian kofta curry. This...